Demonizing the Gospel

Ruben Garcia at Casa Vides

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s is Demonizing the Gospel

See Pauline Hovey’s recent very personal article in NCR. It clearly and passionately shows why AG Paxton’s lawsuit is more than outrageous.

Pauline is very connected to Maryknoll in El Paso and has participated in several Affiliate Zoom sessions expressing her desire to join us in community to work with migrants, possibly even starting an Affiliate Chapter in El Paso someday.

Her article reflects her own experience in Annunciation House and how she was moved by Ruben Garcia, Director of that shelter in a way that “…turned into a transformational faith journey.” Pauline is an excellent writer. You will be much better informed about the prophetic work in El Paso and moved in many ways by her personal account.

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