Volunteer Opportunity in Chiguata, Arequipa

Alida Tejada, the coordinator of an Affiliate Chapter in Arequipa, Peru, is asking for a volunteer who could dedicate her/himself to a year of service working along with Affiliate Chapter members with indigenous people in Chiguata, Peru – just outside of Arequipa.

As Alida wrote, “… this is an opportunity for community coexistence and missionary action.” Housing and Food will be provided (free) for the full year.

The volunteer would need her/his health insurance. Some ability in Spanish would be very helpful – Alida speaks English and could help in this regard. The volunteer would also cover transportation costs to and from Arequipa. However, the s/he might want to consider requesting a grant from the Affiliate Board for this work.  

This Affiliate Chapter does wonderful work with young and elder indigenous as well as with others. They’ve even built a wonderful learning and lodging center building for their work. If you are interested in possibly volunteering, please contact Bob Short at: affiliatebshort@gmail.com for more information

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